Welcome From Shui
Hi. My name is Shui and I'm becoming a Bar Mitzvah this month.
When a Jewish boy turns 13, he becomes a Bar Mitzvah. Bar Mitzvah
literally means
son of the commandments. Most people use the
term to mean the day the child turns 13. At this age, the boy becomes a
When you become a Bar Mitzvah, you usually
read a portion from a Torah scroll. You are also responsible for your
own sins once you turn Bar
Mitzvah age. I feel that when you become a Bar Mitzvah, you take on a
lot of responsibility.
The reason I am addressing this today and why we started Project Shui is
to raise money for a cure for Tay-Sachs disease. If you have Tay-Sachs
since birth, you most likely will only live to the age of 3 or 4. My
sister, you see, has Tay-Sachs and I feel I have the responsibility to
help find a cure. Tay-Sachs has not only affected my sister, it has had
an effect on my whole community. Left and right, everyone in the
community is trying their best to help my sister and our family.
Now, to put this all toge
ther, I would appreciate it if, in honor of my
Bar Mitzvah and my sister Rachaeli, and in memory of all those who have
died from Tay-Sachs disease, those who are reading or listening to this
now would visit The Cure
Tay-Sachs Foundation website to donate money and be a part of finding a
cure for this disease.
Thank you.
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