Thank You for Another Week
Monday, March 30, 2009 4:12 PM, CDT
5 more minutes!"
"Thanks, Ari."
"Chaeli, I'll be back in a second.
I have
to check something before I light."
She leaves.
won't be a second
mutters from downstairs,
off, urn's on, lights are set.
I'm lighting!"
"Baruch atah adoshem elokainu melech haolam
asher kidishanu b'mitzvosov vitzivonu
l'hadlik nayr shel shabbos."
"I'll be right up, Chaeli."
She won't be right up.
Maybe she's praying for me,
or my
or my abba,
or for
all of us.
It's so
except for Lexi sliding across the wood floors
after a ball,
and Ari
laughing and saying, "Good dog."
clatter of Mom's feet running.
She's always running,
always panting,
always saying,
"Sorry, there's so much to do."
on Shabbat.
She runs up the stairs,
startles me
as she
plops on my bed.
Deep breathing.
"Sorry, I just spaced out."
always says that.
Mom's right arm reaches under my legs,
until my legs flop
bend at the knee.
left arm sqeezes
the bed and my shoulder.
She holds tight
takes a deep breath.
"Heave, Ho"
and I'm
up in the air.
I crash
down on her lap.
sits me up,
She strokes my soft hair,
the back of her hand
against my cheek
and over.
kisses my cheek,
stokes my legs.
She apologizes.
opens a book,
starts reading aloud,
"This is not appropriate for you to hear,
reads quietly.
"Oo. Sorry. I should be praying with you."
reads her book anyway,
with me on her lap.
"They're home," Ari yells.
lays me down.
"Well hello there.
Are you
ready to come down?"
"She's ready."
Sitting on Abba's lap,
at the
Shabbas table.
"Shui, grape juice."
"Yoni, challas."
"Ari, salt."
Everyone sings
Shalom Alaychem
welcome the Angels,
God's messengers,
to our
Shabbas table.
to my
mom and me.
sings loudly.
jumps in occasionally.
sings audibly.
Yoni mouths some of the words.
stares into space.
Time to bless the children.
Abba places my right hand
in his
bless Yoni,
it's my turn.
five fight
to find
a place on my head
place their hand.
unison they chant,
"Y'simaych elokim k'soroh, rivkoh, rochayl, v'layoh,
Y'vorech'cho adoshem v'yishm'recho,
adoshem ponov aylecha vichuneko,
Yiso adoshem ponov aylecho,
v'yosaym l'cho sholom."
(May God make you like
Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah.
May the
Lord bless you and watch over you.
May the
Lord shine His face towards you
show you favor.
May the
Lord be favorably disposed towards you
and may
He grant you peace.)
"Good Shabbas, Rachaeli.
I love
I love
you, too.
wet kisses.
scrunch my face,
kick out my legs.
you, God,
another week.
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Diagnosis Day or Death Day -- You Decide
Monday, July 20, 2009 7:17 PM, CDT
Hi. I finished my 3 week course of Amoxicillin so now my tummy
is back to normal and I'm breathing nice and quietly. It has actually
been cool in Atlanta so Mom and I were back out on the bench this
morning. I think Mommy liked it. My tushy got sore.
Mommy found
a journal she kept back when I was born. She has these journals all
around the house and car - just a bunch of spiral notebooks for her to
write her thoughts in because thoughts just whiz in and out of her head
so fast. She says it's kind of fun to find one of these journals after a
couple of years, but the one she just found is kind of sad because it
covers the time when I was diagnosed. She thought she would share some
of it.
Jan. 2003 - ten million entries about cute things my
brothers did.
Feb. 2003 - Rachaeli - two months on - big,
beautiful smile; loves the bath; never cries; sweet, gorgeous, cuddly,
warm - I love her!!!; Yoni, Shui, Ari, and Abba love her, too.
4, 2003 - Rachaeli's first "word" - "Uh, Oh"
Tons of stuff about
my brothers....
March 8, 2003
(Lola's birthday) - Abba's song for Rachaeli:
the tune of "Jenny from the Block" by Jenifer Lopez)
be fooled by the poops that I got,
I'm still, I'm still
Chaeli from the block.
Used to drink a breast
now I drink a bot,
I won't forget where the
milk comes from.
Don't be fooled by the
poops that I got,
I'm still, I'm still
Chaeli from the block.
Used to poop a little,
now I poop a lot,
I won't forget where my
poops come from.
(my abba used to make me dance with him to
that song)
Tons of stuff about my brothers...
June 1, 2003 - Yoni - soooo good with
ne 10, 2003 - Rachaeli
7-8 months old - first words (after UhOh) - "Abba" and "Bubble"; loud
breather (in her sleep) like Shui.
Tons of stuff about my
August 2003 - 9+months -
Well Baby 9month check - "Hypotonia"
"Developmental Delay"; Neurology/Genetics Referral; Babies Can't Wait referral.
more stuff about my brothers....
2003 - Neurology Assessment - Dr. K. - has delays but good
reflexes; good neuro - playful, engageable, good grasp; "doesn't look
like a primary neuro diagnosis"; consider a brain MRI; can check a whole
bunch of labs tests now - or - follow up in 3 months to see if she's
regressing or progressing.
immediately chose the "wait for 3 months" option; stress; denial; Eric
wants answers;
Rachaeli - playful, smiles all the time, laughs;
can sit for 9-12 minutes by herself but she cannot get herself into the
sitting position; babbling a lot; seems to have no motivation or desire
to reach, grab or move; floppy arms; increased tone in legs.
ber 2003 - Babies Can't Wait evaluation -
engageable with with evaluators; sat for 60 minutes on the floor with
minimal support; smiling; cooing; transferring
small rings from one hand to another; sucking her thumb; putting large
objects into mouth.
Found to have "severe gross motor delay"
Speech, fine motor skills, social
skills, and self help skills still within normal limits. Eating
great/hearty appetite; thick legs...
ber 2003 - Started physical therapy with Catherine
Rachaeli cried throughout (and
she never cries); tried to avoid doing things; painful; like we were
torturing her; "no pain, no gain"?; PT Long-T
erm goa
l - push herself to
seated position by 18 months.
playing with cars, especially Ari's hotwheels cars; still in walker
exersaucer (legs and toes extended to balance herself); able to
transfer cars and toys from one hand to the other while standing; able
to push music pads; able to play with toys; could push cherios around.
d eating cherios - that became her reward for PT;
term goals - getting into crawling position; tummy time and push up
torso; She Hated It!
She seems to have "decreased motivation" to
reach for things far away; still moving around in bed but not grabbing
for the bars.
Very engageable, playful, sweet, smiley.
r October 2003 - When PT started, she seemed to stop
babbling, and her fine motor skills worsened. Is she replacing gross
motor work for fine motor and speech?
Set up Occupationa
l Therapy and Speech Therapy Evaluations.
October 25, 2003 - One Year Birthday!!
ovember 2003 - Occupational
Therapy Evaluation (really long written report). Even though she could
put some of the really small pegs in a peg board and pull a string
which pulled a bunny, she was found to have "Severe OT Delays" - like a 5
month old and was in the 0-1%ile (not good).
ber 2003 - Speech Therapy Evaluation - found to be at
the 6 month level - not awful.
2003 - signed up and started Gymboree.
Rachaeli LOVED it!!! She
sat with minimal support while staring at the other babies. She loved
it when the other babies crawled up to her and on her. She talked to
them!!! Lots of sounds!!! She didn't do this at home
. Maybe we're
just not stimulating her enough?
She liked to go
in the inner tube an
push up her legs. She liked the seesaw with the furry rug. She HATED
any rolling or slides (startle). Everyone loved her outfits and her
mber 17 - November 20,
2003 - Asthma!!! Rapid crump.
Monday -
dry cough, then shortness of breath and retractions, then wheezing; took out Shui's nebulizer and gave
an albuterol treatment, then took her to the ER. At the ER, her O2
saturations were 93%. That plus her "low tone" pushed her to the front
of the line. Immediate PICU admission. It looked like she should be
intubated - she was so tired out.
Diagnosis : Status Asthmaticus, Hypotonia, Developmental
Treatment: Xopenex, Racemic
Epinephrine, Oxygen. Needed a few rounds
to stabilize her and Choral Hydrate to relax her. Slow improvement.
Discharge after 3 days with referral to see Dr.
Harsh (Pulmonary).
Then came home.
OK. We've done asthma before. No prob. Eric said he spoke to Dr.
H. in the hospital and he said there is probably a connection
between her development
al delays and her
breathing problems. I said that was probably not the case since we have
asthma in the family (Shui was diagnosed at 9 months) and she's going
to get better at Gymboree, and if I have to, I'm going to make our house
into a Gymboree. (What's the name of that river in Egypt??)
ember 2003 - Time to get ready for Thanksgiving. Opa and Lola, and MomMom and PopPop are coming.
stressful. Bad results from OT and Speech Evaluations.
Bad feeling that something is wrong. Maybe it's
not just "Benign Congenital Hypotonia"? I
received the Hypotonia books I ordered before the hospitalization. I also ordered lots of therapy equipment -
mats, exercise balls, innertube that floats from the ceiling thingy,
rolling/crawling thingy, piano,
educational equipment...and I'm looking
for more.
g 2003 -
Major Breakdown the night before Thanksgiving.
On Thanksgiving day, Rachaeli choked on
mashed potatoes.
By Friday - lots of coughing.
night/Saturday - reactive airway symptoms
and started Prelone. Needed Xopenex treatments every 2 hours, then
every one hour. She was unable to rest.
Saturday night - went to
the ER. Sats at 96%. Not as bad as the last time.
November 29-30,
2003 - Admitted to the General Pediatric floor. Treated with Xopenex
every 4 hours with Racemic Epinephrine every 4 hours - then changed to
every 2 hours. Lots of suctioning and Chest PT. Tired - took a while
to start feeling better. Spoke with attending, Dr. Teague. The plan
was to wourk up the hypotonia and to rule out aspiration.
December 1, 2003 (Mon). Abba working. Mom
in hospital. Boys at school.
2, 2003 (Tue). Consult with Dr. X of Genetics. Eric was there, I
was at home. Neurologist came, too. Dr. X knew by
looking at her that it was likely a Lysosomal Storage Disease - Severe
startle response every time the door opened, slightly enlarged liver,
low muscle tone, regression of developmental
milestones. But I said it "can't be
Tay-Sachs" because Eric's screen was negative.
cember 3, 2003 (Wed).
AM Swallow Study -
Aspiration of thin and thick fluids. A Nasogastric tube was placed for
feedings, which Rachaeli pulled out twice.
PM Abdominal Ultrasound -
Enlarged Liver.
ber 4, 2003
(Thursday) - D-DAY (Diagnosis Day, Death Day - you choose).
Ophtho Consult - I was looking forward to it so we
could eliminate a set of possible diagnosis.
consult team came in. Within 10 seconds the attending, with some big
lens in his eye, immediately identifies a Cherry Red Spot.
leave, floating down the hall, praying to take it away. I didn't hear
that. It's something else. There's still time for Hashem to make it
A resident comes out to the hall and says, "Come in mom.
You don't have to leave." I am somehow coaxed into returning. Upon
seeing me, the attending says, "Come take a look. It's a cherry red
spot. You see it in Tay-Sachs and one other disease, I think Sandhoff
I reply, "No,no. My husband tested negative for Tay-Sachs
and my parents aren't Jewish."
"Then it
could be Sandhoff...or I'll look it up
and see what else it could be."
I think: Help. Stop it. Change
it now. No. No. No. No. Do you know what you just said? Do you know
what your'e doing ? You call yourself a doctor? How could you change
everything like that then just walk out - and be happy and excited! You #@$. Do you know what kind of news you're giving me? How could you?
You're telling me my baby is going to die! Wipe off that smirk of
academic excitement and go to @#$$! Go to @##$you @#$$ &**((.
you even know what you're saying?! How would you like it if I walked
into your room and told you your daughter was going to die in the next 2
years, and I had that excited look on my face? Would you appreciate
that? You probably wouldn't even see it. You cold-hearte
d @$$&*(). What kind of example are you setting
for your residents and medical students following you around? That you
give a diagnosis of a terminal illness and walk out the door a minute
later? Nice example. Great bedside manner. Did you go home and tell
your wife, "I diagnosed this great Tay-Sachs case today." I hate you.
Learn some clinical skills, or stay away from people. If you can't
give a diagnosis with compassion and empathy, then don't give any
diagnosis and let the team attending do it. But don't ruin my life with
that excited smirk on your face.
How do you spell scapegoat?
didn't say any of those things (to his face) and it is possible that
the conversatio
n we did have was slightly
different than I remember it, and I don't hate ophthalmologists (that much). Let's just consider it a brief
episode of psychosis.
Latisha - Eric is with a patient; told her it was really bad; have Eric
call me.
Called Mom and Dad.
Called Judi (who called MomMom
and PopPop).
Called Zoya at work :
Please look up cherry red spot and find me a diagnosis that is not so
bad. Please.
Eric arrived. Both of us in shock. Neither of us
angry. Trying to figure out the pieces of this puzzle. Trying to
figure out what this all means in the grand scheme of things. I can
visualize hundreds of my own life experiences - people, places -
swirling around a funnel and disappearin
into a jug. Does everything factor in? Who's running this show? It's
not me. What is the reason for this? There is a purpose -
Just what is
it? Or maybe we can just turn back the clock. Please, can we please
turn back the clock?
Rachaeli is just lying in her crib smiling,
with a board on her hand so the iv will stay in, and with a tube up her
Dr. X cam
e by. Discussed Lysosomal Storage
Diseases. He gave us a list of 9 possible diagnosis. Like a really bad
Chinese Menu. All were bad. Some were worse than others.
ussed Home Hospice. Discussed Respite care.
Discussed Do Not Resuscitate orders, etc.... AHHHHHH! STOP! How can we
be discussing DNR orders today when yesterday I was figuring out how to
make a Gymboree basement?
Elaine- Today was Danny's (her husband) second yartzeit (anniversary of his death). All her family in town to tell
Danny stories. Will visit after sundown.
s more calls.
Dec. 5, 2003 (Fri) - brain MRI
with sedation - generalized cortical atrophy? Cerebral atrophy?
6 and 7 - stayed in hospital to try new medications and prep for
surgery next week (G-Tube placement). I
said, "We're not coming back to this place, so let's get everything done
during this admission."
stayed with Rachaeli for Shabbat. I came home for a very memorable
Shabbat with the boys. I walked to hospital on Saturday afternoon.
Eric spoke to Dr. Fernhoff late Friday and was told the blood tests were
positive for Tay-Sachs disease. I heard the news that Saturday
ec 8, 2003 (Mon) -
Barium Swallow to check for any anatomical issues related to swallowing
and tube placement.
ec. 9, 2003
(Tue) - PEG (G-Tube) Placement under anesthesia.
Did ok.
Dec 10, 2003 (Wed) - Came home to start our new life.
journal entries ended here. The next page in the journal are notes
that I took 3 years later when we met with our rabbi to discuss all the
things we need to know about the day of death, funeral plans
, sitting shivah, etc. I don't plan on reading those
notes or transcribing them at this time.
think that's plenty for now.
Nicole and Rachaeli
Return to Top Second Year Tsunami
Monday, May 5, 2008 10:03 PM, EDT

For the past
4 1/2 years, my mom has been stuffing letters, emails, articles, poems,
etc. into her "tay-sachs" file. It's a mess and will probably never
get organized. So, she is going to do the 'grab-bag' approach and
randomly share things from her file in this journal.
On Sunday, December 26 (or 24), 2004, my mom, abba
and I went to South Florida and left my brothers with my grandparents. I had just turned 2. My parents needed to
regroup and process the previous 12 months. They also wanted to hug and
cuddle with me as much as possible. We had just been through a
whirlwind of a year, as the 12-24 month period in a tay-sachs baby's
life is devastating. Parents watch their kids regress, but at each
little plateau, they pray to keep the new status quo. "It can't get
worse than this," they think. On top of all that, the parents are
mourning the diagnosis, and essentially the loss, of their child. But
their child is still with them. Parents are confused, conflicted, weak,
tired, depressed, and worn down to the core. As they grieve the loss
of each milestone, they feel the need to celebrate their time with their
child. They want to make each day count and cannot imagine the day
they will have to separate.
Well, when we checked into the hotel, my mom put on
CNN. The great tsunami of 2004 had hit the day before and the death toll at the
time was about 20,000. It seemed that every hour the new guestimated
death toll would rise by another 10 or 20 thousand. It was unreal. My
mom held me tight on her lap and recalled 9/11, when thousands had died
before the world's eyes as the towers collapsed. My mom feels chills
and heartache at the slightest thought of that day. She remembers
feeling the thousands of souls rising to heaven at the same time, and
each time she saw a re-run of the collapse, the same painful awe would,
and still does, overcome her. And now we were witnessing the deaths of
10 - 20 - 30 times the number of people lost on 9/11. It is impossible
to conceive. We watched the interview with the woman who had to choose
which of her sons to hold on to and which to let go, as she clung to a
tree which saved her life. It was the miracle of miracles that the son
she let go of found his way to his grandmother and they all survived.
But that was an anomaly.
So we
sat there crying as mom was forced to imagine what it would be like to
lose someone so suddenly, with no warning or preparation. While we had
many losses throughout that year, we had not had the ultimate loss. We
had something to be grateful for. We had time. And my mother clung to
me thanking God for giving us time. She was so thankful that she was
given that past year, and now, as I write this, she is so grateful she
has been given the past 4 1//2 years. Most people with terminal
illnesses don't live for another 4 1/2 years. We were the lucky ones.
God had mercy on us. He didn't just grab our children and pull them
into the sea, never to be seen again.
So three months later, on March 15, 2005, my mom wrote this
poem. She is far from a poet, but the words just ended up on the page.
She doesn't even like or appreciate poetry. She hopes it makes sense
to somebody.
Reflections on Year 2 with
2 1/2 years ago, a tiny boom, barely a
ripple in our sea
You entered our world, eyes
wide open, mystified
Confused but
Calm, joyous, peaceful
13 months
later, a Deluge
Backs turned, dizzy with surprise
Engulfed and overpowered
Pushed and
pulled, unprepared
Deeper and
deeper into the depths
No last gasp for air
Seconds, hours, days, years?
Lifeless, tossed to shore
Peace once again
Still in my
Slightly withered
But free
Breathing salty sea air, a blessing
Confused but Content
More minutes to hold, kiss, love
Like an
Thank you, God
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Sunday, May 4, 2008 3:45 PM, EDT
This is a
story my mom wrote for me. The name and descriptions can be changed to those of any princess out there.
Princess Rachael
Once upon a time there was a little girl named
Princess Rachael. Princess Rachael knew she was a princess because
that's what everybody called her. When her mother came into her room
each morning, she greeted her with, "Good morning my princess." When
friends saw her, they would ask, "How is the beautiful princess doing?"
Complete strangers would walk up to her and proclaim, "Princess, you
are looking stunning today."
Princess Rachael had princess
hair. It was silky brown and hung all the way down her back. Her
mother told her it was a gift from God and that not everyone was born
with princess hair. When her mother braided her hair into two long
braids, she said, "My, my. Aren't you the most striking Native American

Princess Rachael had princess eyes. Her mother told
her that they were big, brown, and almond-shaped,
and that all of the most beautiful Asian princesses had eyes like hers.
Rachael had princess lips. Her mother told her they were shaped like a
heart and that they were as red and silky smooth as a rose petal. She
told her that because God gave her such gorgeous lips, she would never
have to go to the trouble of wearing lipstick. Her mother told her that
all the world's princesses were given lips like hers.
Rachael knew she was a princess because she wore the most elegant
dresses. Her mother could not resist buying them for her. She would
come home from shopping and say, "How could I walk by such a fine-looking dress when I know my Princess Rachael would look
absolutely glorious in it?"
Princess Rachael's mother would sing her a princess song:
(To the tune of "You are my
You are my princess
My lovely princess
From your head down to your toes
Princess hair...and princess eyes
lips and princess clothes
the most obvious reason Princess Rachael knew she was a princess was
because she had her very own sparkly princess tiara. Her mother had a
special stand for it next to her bed. Princess Rachael was allowed to
wear her tiara every day if she wanted. Her mother told her that most
princesses only wear their tiaras on special occasions, but every day
was a special occasion in Princess Rachael's palace.

was another reason Princess Rachael knew she had to be a princess.
Every once in a while, out of the blue, young children would show up at
her palace to sing her the songs they learned in school that week.
Princess Rachael loved being around other children, especially when they
sang. She even kept a bowl of candy in her room so she could give the
children a sweet when they left. Princess Rachael's mother told her
that only princesses get serenaded by young children.
Rachael had a bunny rabbit named Goldie that she loved so much. Her
mother told her it was just natural that God would send her a golden
colored rabbit. After all, don't all princesses have lots of gold and
gold colored things?

Princess Rachael's mother
would sing her a princess song:
You are my princess
My lovely
Your tiara worn with pride
Serenaded by young children
A golden bunny by your side
Princess Rachael
had a throne that was grander than any other throne in the land.
Princess Rachael's throne was pink and gold and always had new, shiny
balloons attached to it. It had a special headrest so that even if she
fell into a deep sleep, she would be comfortable. Her specially padded
throne helped her to sit up straight and proud, the way all royalty
Now Princess
Rachael did not have only one throne. She had her grand stationary
throne and she had an even grander throne on wheels. This way, she was
able to meet and greet all of her royal court and visitors anywhere in
her palace without leaving her throne. She could even be strolled
through her gardens or into town without leaving her royal throne.
Princess Rachael was special indeed.
Princess Rachael's
mother would sing her a princess song:
You are my princess
My lovely
With a throne that holds you
So that all the world can adore you
From deep sea
up to the sky
Princess Rachael's mother
loved her so much. She told her that not all mothers are blessed with
princess daughters, and that it was an honor and a blessing from the
Heavens Above to be given a princess daughter. Her mother told her it
was a privilege and a joy to take care of a princess, and that every
aspect of her life has been enriched since her Princess Rachael was

Rachael's mother would sing her a princess song:
You are my
My lovely princess
heavenly gift from Above
She will guard you and protect you
And she will
shower you with love
Princess Rachael most certainly felt loved.
Rachael's mother would sing her this princess song:
You are my
(To the tune of "You are my Sunshine")
You are my princess
My lovely princess
From your head down to your toes
Princess hair...and princess eyes
lips and princess clothes
You are my princess
My lovey
Your tiara worn with pride
Serenaded by young children
A golden bunny by your side
You are my
My lovely princess
With a
throne that holds you high
So that all the world can adore you
From deep sea
up to the sky
You are my princess
My lovely princess
Mother's heavenly gift from Above
She will guard
you and protect you
And she will shower you with love
By Princess Rachael's mother
on May 4, 2008
Keep an eye out for :
Princess Rachael's Rabbits
Rachael Donates her hair to Locks of Love
Princess Rachael
Goes to the Annual Princess Conference in Tampa
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Letters to Rachaeli, A Mother's Journal
Sunday, October 19, 2008 8:03 PM, EDT
I know. Three days in a row - unheard of. Before the High
Holiday season ends this week, my mom wanted to post a letter that was
printed in a Rosh Hashana booklet at our synagogue last year (Sept.
2007), but was originally written for the NTSAD Lifeline two years ago
*Hashem = name used in lieu of "God"
**Shamayim = Heaven

This Rosh Hashana, perhaps more than ever,
I plead with Hashem to inscribe my sweet daughter, Chana Rachael bas
Nechama, in the Book of Life. I understand and accept that, with
Tay-Sachs disease, my almost 6 year-old child will need to soon return
I trust that when the time comes, I will be ready.
But today, I am not.
Some people have quietly asked why I try so hard to keep Rachaeli here
on Earth, when Shamayim is portrayed as so indescribably wonderous a place. After much thought to this
question, I retrieved a letter I wrote to Rachaeli last Rosh Hashana
(actually 2 RH's ago). I believe that, perhaps, my answer lies therein.
My Dearest Rachaeli,
I'm so lucky to have you. Your are my perfect baby, beautiful in every
way. I haven't been sad for a very long time. I feel like I'm living
the best years of my life with you here, always next to me. After all,
you are with us, and it is because of you that I am at home full time,
allowing me to more closely enjoy your 3 brothers growing up while I
care for you.
I'm going to say it again; these are truly the best years of my life. I
don't spend as much time questioning why you are sick anymore. I often
don't think of you as sick, unless you are running a fever or clearly
have some other "additional" illness. You are my Rachaeli, and my
Rachaeli happens to have Tay-Sachs disease. We have known about it for
almost 3 years now (Now almost 5 years). It is a part of all of our
lives; I believe we have adjusted and continued living. Your brothers
haven't missed a homework assignment or a day of school because of your
illness. They continue to be superstars in school and on the soccer,
baseball, basketball and football fields. If anything, you have made
them stronger, brighter, and more sensitive; we love you and thank you
for that.
ur abba and I have made changes. I
stopped working, even though I still have medical school loans to pay
off. But we are surviving. Your abba is working hard, and he misses
you tremendously when he is at work. It
is difficult for him, but I think he is also doing better.
I'm not sure how or why Hashem has allowed
us to cope as well as we have. We admittedly had an extremely
difficult 6 to 12 months of mourning your diagnosis and prognosis. Our
emotions followed the textbook descriptions
of the grieving process, although the "phases" of our grieving never
seemed to coincide. Our common sense and self-control kept us from fighting excessively or calling it
quits. Our faith and trust in Hashem kept us solid.
You see, your abba and I never questioned "why" Hashem did this to you
or us. We were never angry at the lab for its inaccurate test results.
We were never angry at our doctors or at ourselves for not being more
scrupulous about our medical histories. We were never angry about
having a dying child. We were just sad, overwhelmin
gly sad. When you love someone so much, you never
want them to leave you. You just want to hold them tight. You never
want them to feel pain. You only want them to experience comfort and
warmth. Your abba was always fearful that you were in pain, that you
were suffering. I think he realizes now how comfortable you truly are.
My dear Rachaeli, I often wonder about Hashem's plan when it comes to
children with terminal illnesses, or children dying suddenly at a young
age. I have come up with many silly theories, some of which are quite
comforting. One hope is that another child is not getting sick because
you are still here on this Earth, occupying one of the "sick children
slots". Another hope is that the effect multiplies each day you are
here, so that your "sick child slot" is actually occupying multitiudes
of potential slots, keeping hundreds or thousands of other children
I have also imagined that the positive energy that accompanies your
presence on this Earth is expanding. The more it expands, the more
likely it will interact with the energy accompanyin
g another sick child's will or strength to survive.
This energy continues to expand and interact with more positive energy.
The positive potential is endless.
You see, Rachaeli, your presence in our lives, in our community, and on
this earth has meaning. Your presence has created kindness, empathy,
and good deeds where it may not have existed before. It has elicited
pure goodness out of people and has created warmth in hearts that may
have been perpetually cold. It has raised awareness in all who have
seen or been privileged to hold you -- an awareness that may be
indefinable or intangible, perhaps an awareness that may not be tapped
into again for many years to come. Your mere presence has given people
strength, vision, perspective
, and
Rachaeli, you have enhanced all of these qualities in me. You have
allowed me to engage in numerous acts of chessed, or loving kindness,
each and every day. You have made me a stronger, more loving person,
and a better mother. Thank you for giving me these "best years of my
All my love,
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